How Many CranioSacral Therapy Sessions Do You Need for Maximum Benefits?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) has piqued your interest, and you’re wondering how many sessions it takes to feel like you’re floating on a cloud or to at least untangle those knots in your body. There are some key considerations.
Consider the Depth of the Issue: Think of bodily issues as books. Some are quick and straightforward short stories, while others are epic sagas spanning several volumes. Long-standing discomfort may require more sessions, akin to a multi-chapter saga. Recent issues, on the other hand, might be like quick reads.
Consider the Individual: We’re all unique. Your experience with CST may differ from your friend’s. Each of us has a distinct history of illnesses, injuries, and stress, which shapes our tension patterns. CST is custom-tailored to your individual needs, and no two sessions are identical. Embrace your uniqueness in this journey.
Consider the Healing Partnership: CST’s strength lies in the partnership between therapist and client. It’s a two-way dialogue, not a one-sided journey. Your body communicates its needs and responses, guiding the treatment as sessions progress. This partnership ensures an attuned and effective healing journey. Timelines will become clearer as we work together.
Consider the Average, Not Absolute: On average, most people experience the benefits of CST in 3-5 sessions. However, this is just an estimate, and there’s room for variation. Session frequency typically begins at 1-2 times a week, adjusting as you start feeling better. Together, we’ll determine the best schedule for you and make adjustments as necessary.
In Conclusion: Whether you find relief in a few sessions or opt for a more extended quest, our focus is on tailoring the treatment schedule to your unique needs. Are you ready to embark on your CranioSacral journey? Let’s start exploring, with each session bringing you closer to holistic, empowered well-being.
Is CranioSacral Therapy Covered by Insurance?
I sometimes receive inquiries about insurance coverage for our sessions. Here’s a concise overview to address this question.
While I don’t handle direct insurance billing, your bodywork sessions might still be eligible for reimbursement. Some insurance companies do cover complementary therapies like CranioSacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Lymphatic Drainage Therapy.
Insurance policies often have deductibles and may combine benefits with other modalities. To navigate this, contact your insurance company directly for guidance on coverage specifics. Simply provide them with the treatment code 97140, and let them know I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, to determine your coverage. Be sure and check if they require deductibles, and documentation or referrals, and the best way to submit your receipts.
I’m committed to keeping my rates affordable. However, offering insurance billing services would necessitate hiring a medical billing company, leading to increased overall rates, and less session availability.
Understanding that not everyone has insurance coverage for complementary therapies, to maintain accessibility, I’ve chosen to
prioritize delivering the highest quality care, at the best rates possible.I hope this answers your questions, please let me know if you have any others. I’m here to support you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.
What should I wear to my appointment?
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment.
What should I do after my appointment?
Please click this link for information about post treatment care.